Ive been using this App for 4 years and it has progressively gotten worse and worse. The "family user guide is 5 years old"
1. Devices wont sync with home device and very sporadic when they do
2. As to the calendar issue...you cant schedule anything after the 28th because of Feb. the app is to stupid to make exceptions for days in the month so it rolls anything over and you end up with a bunch of bills on the 1st.
3. Its not a user friendly app, recurring bill edit will cause duplicate entries and you will find yourself deleting 2 years worth of bills.
4. The infinite option doesnt work when creating a recurring bill, the bills wont show on the calendar. You have to give every bill a 2yr end date.
5. When your other IOS devices decide to sync they will send expense or bills paid to the home device but anything done on the home device wont reciprocate and your hand held wont update.
6. Dont even get me started on the PC version.
I could write 20 more issues but its time to scrap this Java monster and start from scratch.
7. Dont bother trying to connect your bank as this company isnt associated so the banks will not let them access your accounts.
8. You can find ways to make everything work thats broken but you have to do it creatively vs using the apps features.
Paul & PITA about HomeBudget with Sync, v3.2.5